
MPE News December 2023

Problem solving with MPE


MPE understands that good customer service is just as important as high-quality products. When you as a customer contact us with challenging tasks or problems, it is our mission to help you solve it! Here we share some concrete examples from where we have been helpful to our clients.

Keolis faced a challenge in their service halls where different cleaning products had been tested, but as you can see the walls were still incredibly dirty. Our problem solver Christoffer stepped out and tried BCS Akilles on the walls and SPS Freja on stainless steel and rubber. The results speak for themselves!

Ocab in Gävle was faced with really soiled awnings at a hotel in Gävle. They contacted MPE for help and Magnus came to the rescue! Good Environmental choices marked SPS Greenclean Facade did the job!

Graffiti shadows can be really hard to remove. MPE joined Liselotte Lööf on the job to help out. The solution was OFF Tyr Tunn, which was then wrapped in plastic. And then the shadow was gone!

Sometimes the graffiti needs processing to be removed. The graffiti on this recycling station simply could not be removed. MPE showed how to easily work with a polishing wheel and OFF Hugin.


Belfor in Jönköping got the job to wash a facade, but after trying products from other suppliers without results, MPE was contacted. With MPE's tips and SPS Greenclean Facade, they finally saw results!

MPE held a graffiti removal course for customers in Finland, during the course we managed to help one of the customers with a big problem. Graffiti shadows that had been sitting for over 10 years that no means they had tried worked. But, with a little help and products from MPE, they disappeared! The customers were very impressed and say that these are the best products they have tried.

Other information from MPE

Safety data sheets
We are in the process of updating all our safety data sheets, this is to update any changes and to create UFI codes.
It is a work in progress, but from January 1, 2024, all of our products will have updated safety data sheets.
If you need to update your archives or folders, you will find them all here!

Course date 2024
Gothenburg - March 13-14
Stockholm - April 16-18
Stockholm - September 3-5
Preliminary schedules and more information can be found here.

Opening hours Christmas and New Year
December 25-26 - closed
January 1 - closed
During the days in between, we will have limited staffing and deliveries may not be as fast as usual. Something that is also affected by all the red days.
So be sure to stock up on products!